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Insights and news

Sharing our experience, insights and points of view from the world of intergenerational working

In the spotlight...

Gen Z, Millennials and Gen X have more in common than you think
How to motivate employees of any age

More Insights

What different generations look for in a leader – Our research findings

Research has shown that closing generation gaps increases retention and engagement, reduces the cost of attrition and protects your...

The magic of cognitive diversity

Research has shown that closing generation gaps increases retention and engagement, reduces the cost of attrition and protects your...

Why I started genpotential

Two words…Generation gaps. Because once you start seeing them, you’ll notice them everywhere. I certainly do.
Intergenerational working at Dyson

Intergenerational working at Dyson

Not just a fascinating story of perseverance and entrepreneurship, James Dyson’s career is also an insight into the power...